In hot weather, we should carry a one liter bottle, so we can b perfectly hydrated. Bottled water is often available in many countries, so we don’t have to bring more than one. Sitting too long in a cramped situation can also elevate our stress level. Nobody likes to be trapped in a confined space. In fact, people who sit for a long period of time could contract deep vein thrombosis. Some people suffer this condition, because they spend the entire trip sitting down. If possible, we should get up and walk the cabin for 10 minutes every two or three hours.
If we are in a crowded bus and there’s no place to walk around, we could stand for awhile and shake our feet. We could sit down after we feel better and the blood circulation in lower parts of our body has become normal. Reading while sitting down in a bus or train can cause discomfort due to motion sickness. Alternatively we could listen to music or e-book. This should be a wonderful way to reduce stress. Obviously, we shouldn’t choose music that can easily simulate stress. It is a good idea to choose relaxing music based on our preferences. Some people love smooth jazz; while others prefer slow pop or classic. Listening e-book can also be an enjoyable experience, it is a good way spend the time inside the bus.
After we feel relaxed, we could proceed with meditation. During a deep meditation, the time may seem to flow faster, making the whole trip feels more bearable. It’s a fantastic tool and once we have become more proficient with it, it is very easy to calm ourselves down.